
What info does Facebook have on me?

less than 1 minute read

After the F8 conference, there is even more concern than before about what personal information Facebook has on an individual. I was sent Facebook’s personal...

Stop online spying in Canada

less than 1 minute read

You may remember a year ago I broke the story on the introduction of the minority government’s Canadian version of the patriot act (see articles one and two)...

Update on usage based billing (UBB)

less than 1 minute read

This image is getting a lot of attention. Today Michael Geist has released an article on Unpacking The Policy Issues Behind Bandwidth Caps & Usage Based ...

Canadian petition against usage based billing

1 minute read

As of writing this, I am one of over 180,000 Canadians that have signed the stop the meter campaign against usage based billing. There are several challenges...